NEW: Peer Into College Life With CampusReel Videos on RaiseMe
Now on RaiseMe, you can watch videos created by real students to get a true sense of college life and find out what schools are right for you.
Deciding where to apply for college is a daunting task, especially when physically visiting schools is’t an option. Between learning about what each school has to offer, researching a college’s programs, campus life, and costs, and eventually, narrowing your list to a final few schools, conducting college research is a process that takes time. And sometimes, reviewing pages of stats on college website just doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to making one of the most important decisions of your life.
New on RaiseMe: Campus Videos, Made By Students
At RaiseMe, we’re committed to helping students discover the best-fit colleges, and we know that campus culture and student life are big pieces of the puzzle when researching colleges. That’s why we’ve teamed up with our friends at CampusReel to bring you videos made by real-life college students, right inside RaiseMe’s college profile pages.
Combined with college reviews also written by actual students and the ability to explore all sorts of information about colleges, these new campus videos are designed to help you get the best picture of what it’s like to be a student at any university — without ever actually stepping foot on a school’s campus.

To access CampusReel’s videos on RaiseMe, simple search for the colleges you’re interested in via our college search tool, and scroll through a college’s profile page down to the “About” section of the profile. You’ll be able to expand the section to view dozens of videos made by actual students about topics ranging from choosing majors, to library and dorm tours, to reviews of social life on campus.
Below are a few of of the types of campus videos made by students that you can watch on RaiseMe:
Hear from Julia about Northeastern University‘s “Experiential Learning” programs:

Check out a typical Freshman Dorm at The Ohio State University:

Social Life
Watch this IUPUI student’s vlog about a week in her life as an undergrad, from shopping, to finding study spaces around campus, and more:

Sometimes, learning about a college through the eyes of a student can be the best way to determine whether you can truly see yourself at that school. Our new campus videos offer an authentic, unfiltered view of life on campus so that you can make the best decisions for yourself about where to apply to school.
Once you’ve browsed through the thousands of videos available on RaiseMe you’ll be ready to start narrowing your list, following colleges you’re interested in, and earning micro-scholarships for your achievements from those schools.
Happy browsing!
Click here to log into RaiseMe and check out our newest campus videos.
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