Dog’s name: Alabama Dixie Worthington, but you can call me Bama
Dog breed: I don’t know, ask my mom!
Length of time at RaiseMe: I’ve been at RaiseMe as long as I can remember!
A little about me: My name is Bama. I love balls so much. I live in the East Bay and my mom takes me to the beach when I’m good. Ball! But it’s so hard to be good. I love balls!!!!
Favorite office snack: Whatever’s in the trash!!!!
Favorite things to do at work and outside of work: I really love playing ball at work and at home. I love parks!!! I love being at work so that people can take me on their 1:1s. I also have really good friends at work who love to throw balls for me! I love my friends!!!
Favorite micro-scholarship: Ball chasing! Tug-o-war!
My biggest secret: When I’m not playing, my guilty pleasure is relaxing with my friends and watching The Bachelor! I host a Bachelor bracket with the other #DogsofRaiseMe and I always win because I read spoilers! Don’t tell Rorie!!!!
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