Postsecondary Education Administrators: Salary, career path, job outlook, education and more

Education Required
Postsecondary education administrators typically need at least a masters degree. However, at smaller colleges or community college, a bachelors degree may be sufficient. Degrees can be in a variety of disciplines, such as social work, accounting, or marketing.
Job Outlook
The projected percent change in employment from 2016 to 2026: 10% (Faster than average)
(The average growth rate for all occupations is 7 percent.)
Education administrators with advanced degrees can be promoted to higher level positions within their department or the college. Some become college presidents, an occupation which is discussed in the profile on top executives.
Median pay: How much do Postsecondary Education Administrators make?
$90,760 Annual Salary
$43.63 per hour

Postsecondary education administrators oversee student services, academics, and faculty research at colleges and universities. Their job duties vary depending on the area of the college they manage, such as admissions, student affairs, or the registrars office.


Postsecondary education administrators who work in admissions decide if potential students should be admitted to the school. They typically do the following:

  • Determine how many students to admit to the school
  • Meet with prospective students and encourage them to apply
  • Review applications to determine if each potential student should be admitted
  • Analyze data about applicants and admitted students
  • Prepare promotional materials about the school

Many admissions counselors are assigned a region of the country and travel to that region to speak to high school counselors and students.

Admissions officers may work with the financial aid department to offer packages of federal and institutional financial aid to prospective students.

Postsecondary education administrators who work in the registrars office, sometimes called registrars, maintain student and course records. They typically do the following:

  • Schedule and register students for classes
  • Schedule space and times for classes
  • Ensure that students meet graduation requirements
  • Plan commencement ceremonies
  • Prepare transcripts and diplomas for students
  • Produce data about students and classes
  • Maintain the academic records of the institution

Registrars have different duties throughout the school year. Before students register for classes, registrars must prepare schedules and course offerings. During registration and for the beginning of the semester, they help students sign up for, drop, and add courses. Toward the end of the semester, they plan graduation and ensure that students meet the requirements to graduate. Registrars need computer skills to create and maintain databases.

Postsecondary education administrators who work in student affairs are responsible for a variety of cocurricular school functions, such as student athletics and activities. They typically do the following:

  • Advise students on topics such as housing issues, personal problems, or academics
  • Communicate with parents or guardians
  • Create, support, and assess nonacademic programs for students
  • Schedule programs and services, such as athletic events or recreational activities

Postsecondary education administrators in student affairs can specialize in student activities, housing and residential life, or multicultural affairs. In student activities, they plan events and advise student clubs and organizations. In housing and residential life, they assign students rooms and roommates, ensure that residential facilities are well maintained, and train residential advisers. In multicultural affairs, they plan events to celebrate different cultures and diverse backgrounds. Sometimes, they manage multicultural centers on campus.

Careers for Postsecondary Education Administrators

  • Academic deans
  • Administrators
  • Admissions Officers
  • Admissions counselors
  • Adult basic education managers
  • Athletic directors
  • Chief academic officers
  • College registrars
  • Continuing education directors
  • Directors of admissions
  • Directors of student services
  • Graduate school deans
  • Graduate studies deans
  • Provosts
  • Registrars
  • Student Affairs Administrators
  • University administrators
  • University deans

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